El Park Güell is located between the neighbourhoods of El Coll, La Salut, Vallcarca i els Penitents, El Carmel and Can Baró, in the districts of Gràcia and Horta-Guinardó. It covers two sides of the Tres Creus –or Les Menes– hill, and the hill known as El Muntanya Pelada or El Carmel. It has a total surface area of 19 hectares, the equivalent of 19 Eixample city blocks, and a maximum height of 210 metres.
The park is a city green area, a place where local residents from the surrounding neighbourhoods can enjoy themselves and relax.
76,000 people live in the surrounding area. These are highly-populated and built-up neighbourhoods —just like most of the City of Barcelona—, so the park's size and characteristics help to ease urban pressure and improve the area's environmental quality, along with the well-being of local residents.
Therefore, the park is a relax place where local residents can and enjoy themselves and a place that pedestrians can pass through. Other initiatives that have also helped to create a more relaxed, healthier environment are traffic pacification, expanding safe areas for pedestrians and cyclists and turning some of the surrounding streets into pedestrian precincts.
The neighborhoods closest to the park are those of El Coll, Vallcarca and Els Penitents, La Salut and the Vil·la the Gràcia.
The nearby neighborhoods are those of Carmel and Can Baró