Are pets allowed in?

Submitted by cgarcia on Thu, 09/12/2021 - 17:16

Access to the regulated area of the park with companion animals (pets) is only permitted if the animals are duly secured on a lead (in accordance with the Byelaw on the Protection, Possession and Sale of Animals (OPTVA)). Visitors can access the entire park with their pets, except for Nature Square, Hipostyle Room, the Dragon Stairway, the Austria Gardens and the Laundry Room Portico to ensure the safety and protection of people, pets and heritage. People who own or accompany pets shall be responsible for any damage that those animals may cause.


I would like to make a recording, do some filming or take photographs in Park Güell. What do I have to do?

Submitted by cgarcia on Thu, 09/12/2021 - 17:15

Park Güell has been declared as a UNESCO World Heritage site. 

Our goal is to find a balance between tourist activities and social uses, more than anything so that local residents from the adjacent neighbourhoods are able to enjoy the park in peace.